Saturday, May 30, 2015

The Trees on the Mountain

I am working on a piece from Susannah, The Trees on the Mountain, that speaks to me so loudly that it is almost too difficult to sing. It's like it was written as the anthem for my life and the tears never stop streaming down my face.

In essence, the song is a woman begging for her lover to come back even though he has abandoned her and makes her question whether he loved her at all. Her aloneness and sorrow have made her hollow and she simply wishes for no more pain. Everything that was once beautiful and vibrant has turned cold and dark, like it never existed at all. 

"The trees on the mountains are cold and bare
The summer just vanished and left them there
Like a false-hearted lover, just like my own,
Who made me love him, then left me alone."

This song, and so many others like it, have made a home in my soul. They echo in the space that has been torn apart by the carelessness of others. It is a wave of understanding the choice and feeling like I am worth nothing to anyone. Did I ever mean anything at all? To anyone? Does my life actually matter to anyone?And yet I try to forgive them anyway, whether they deserve it, or not.  Perhaps it's futile. 

This piece makes my heart long for home, wherever that is now. 

 Maybe the moral of the story is that I should just be content in and get used to being alone. As a wise woman once told me "no man ever deserves your tears". Then why did I give him my heart?

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