Friday, May 29, 2015

Don't Make Promises

There is this really weird phenomena happening in my life where people, of all kinds, have made promises, or make promises, and decide that I am not worthy of them. Guess what? No one should be made to feel like they are only important to someone when it's convenient for the other person. Those people do not deserve you in their lives. You should always say to yourself that "my time, my heart, my feelings, and my life are more important than picking up the phone or going out when it is convenient". Yes, life happens, but if you are pouring energy into a friendship or a relationship where you come very close to last or dead last on the list of priorities in someone else's life, maybe you should reconsider why you stick around.

You know, commitment (be it in the form of a promise or a relationship) is a difficult thing for some people because it means staying loyal to that one person, doing what you said you would do no matter what in the very beginning, long after the mood you said it in has left you.  People don't understand that when they break those commitments they also break a very fragile bond; they break trust. When you throw a plate on the floor and it breaks into a million little pieces, even when you say sorry to it, does it go back to the way it was? No! Once that trust and that commitment have been broken there is no going back. It isn't something that you can put a band-aid on.

How do we repair the broken pieces while keeping the person who broke them in our lives? I would like to think that we can both heal and have that person in some capacity in our lives, but perhaps it is a lofty and unrealistic goal. Somehow, if we want these people in our lives, we have to be able to allow ourselves to forgive them in some fashion. However, forgiveness, does not mean that everything is okay.

Let it be known that if you can't forgive someone right now because they let you down, or broke your heart into a thousand pieces, that it is okay. Focus on you. Be willing to heal yourself and ignore the noise. Promises get broken. Commitments are thrown away. If a person can't see that you are worth keeping both of those things, they aren't your person, and you deserve so much more.

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